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Acknowledgment Of Accuracy Of Warehouse Receipt


[Date of Acknowledgment]

[Name of warehouseman]


The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of [Name of Warehouseman], of [Address of Warehouseman], [City of Warehouseman], [State of Warehouseman], warehouse receipt no. [warehouse receipt no.], which covers the property and goods stored by me in warehouse number [Number of Warehouse] at [Address of Warehouse], [City of Warehouse], [State of Warehouse], on [Date of storage].

I have checked the list of goods on such receipt and read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of the receipt, and hereby acknowledge that the description of the goods on the receipt is accurate and correct.

[Name of Warehouseman] is hereby authorized to honor delivery orders signed by me or any of the following authorized persons for all or any part of the property and goods stored under the above-mentioned receipt. The signatures of the authorized persons are as follows:

Authorized Parties' Signatures:

Signature of depositor Date